Friday, November 7, 2014
Fitting in
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
October update
This month I got a new co-worker. Usually that isn't exciting news, but in my office there are 6 people and I was the youngest by 20+ years before Madison got hired. It has been so fun to have someone to talk to when we aren't busy explaining that not all rice from China is contaminated. Stupid Dr. Oz. Your advice makes many people irrational. Work is a joy and I look forward to going most days:)
Jordan's job is equally great. He is still doing double duty because his promotion hasn't gone through. He is a supervisor and an "undercover manager" :) He does a lot of managerial work because there is so much that needs to be done, but he is waiting for the title and pay raise. Hopefully by Christmas. Who knows! He is liking his classes, but his Physiology teacher sure knows how to write tough tests. He is a smart cookie and I'm sure he will pass, if not he will take it again from a more reasonable teacher.
We sure love Ragnar, Jordan's parents bird. He sings to us, nuzzles us and even lets us pet him without biting once in a while. He also poops, which is his major defect.
The pregnancy is going great! I am blessed to have an easier pregnancy. I am not in the hospital or taking any prescriptions. Complaining is still an often occurrence, however, and Jordan puts up with it:) Pregnancy just isn't fun sometimes! Our little man is growing very well. Our Dr. has given us plenty of stress with some "abnormalities" that showed up on the ultrasound. Most of them are cleared up, but others will take 6 weeks to see if there is any progress. I am confident that everything will be great and our technology is so good now that they see things they can't explain and are obligated to check them out. I am not allowing myself to worry, but I have had TMJ ever since so maybe I am clenching my jaw and stressing in my sleep, haha. Jordan just jokes that I must be clenching my jaw to make sure I don't sleep with my mouth open. (I have a pet peeve of people who have there mouth just hanging open all the time.)
We are looking forward to the holidays. We are spending Thanksgiving in Fillmore and Christmas in Orem. It is such a fun season! I just wish our roads were heated and I didn't hyperventilate at the thought of driving on icy roads. I guess I can test out my hypnobirthing skills on my daily winter drives.
As my most loyal customer always tells me, "Christ the Lord Jesus is your savior and I hope you have a blessed day!" He is a reverend, and when he isn't arguing with me he is a real pleasure.
Monday, September 15, 2014
You can spend your whole life learning, and still be an idiot.
Health is one of those subjects that is quite subjective. You can find endless opinions about Vitamin D alone. (I know this because I have been studying about that since 10 this morning.) There is no way I will ever know it all. NOBODY DOES! The key is to admit you are clueless, study the best you can, check your resources, and realize that God never intended us to know it all in this life. I KNOW that we have all the tools we need in the scriptures. When I get flustered and wonder if I need to check my D 25 OH levels every week to assure I'm not going to be experiencing 100 things related to D-3 deficiency......I take a breath and remember that God told us to do everything in moderation. I am aware of my health and proactively seek to improve it. I do not need to spend all my energy coming up with a diet and exercise plan, I need to listen to my body and the ques it gives me. If I am lacking D-3 I would probably crave milk, sunshine and salmon. Our bodies are so magnificent. I for one am going to pray extra long today expressing gratitude that my body is perfect. It doesn't belong in a magazine, but it is doing a killer job and growing a baby. Millions of things are going on right now to help me to survive and I don't have to be an expert in any of those things for them to happen.
It is a miracle. Life is a miracle.

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Life Lately
Pregnancy is going wonderfully. I do have constant headaches, every day. By the evening they usually get so bad that I say curse words when I stand up. Usually only in my head. I suspect that they come from my naturally low blood pressure which is even lower with this little baby growing. There is little I can do about that. I do crave salty things, especially chips, like a crazy person. I often give in to those cravings. Today it was spicy cheez-its.
We found out that our baby is coming with boy parts! It was a great experience. We had an ultrasound at 8:30am. We got in really quick. The woman was having a hard time getting the little guy to uncross his legs, but after a minute or so she started calling it a him. Jordan lit up and told her, "You keep saying his. Are you keeping something from me?" She laughed and claimed she didn't know yet. 30 seconds later she said just kidding, I knew it was a boy! And she showed us a clear shot of his parts. Jordan shot a fist in the air and gave a happy shout. I was just happy to see a heart beat and two kicking legs. I forgot to count the arms, but I am pretty sure there were two of those, too.
I found out Sunday that Jordan is completely serious about the names he has been suggesting. Let us just say we are on different pages name wise. I am on the "Mac, Samuel, Reuben" page and he is on the "Ragnar, Raphael, Gabriel" page. Somehow we will meet in the middle and I will try to be more open to suggestions that aren't my own.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Pregnancy! & My Personal Opinions about Family.
Jordan and I could not be more excited about our pregnancy! I am hoping to be a little more dedicated to blogging throughout the process. I think it will be a good place for me to journal about each stage, so that when I'm every thinking of signing up to grow a baby again, I remember how I felt this time;)
1. The above picture is the morning we found out we were pregnant. A little TMI may be involved in these posts, so proceed with discretion. We had decided to stop taking birth control pills mid May. I know some people try to get that out of their system for a while before trying, but we prayed and felt good about trying right away. I had been feeling symptoms all month, but wouldn't let myself take a pregnancy test until the day I would have started my next cycle. After all, I am a hypochondriac. I could convince myself that I am sick in an instant. The night before taking the test I read the instructions and it said "Recommended to take with first morning urine." I, of course, woke up at 5am and couldn't hold it. I took the test and had thought I would wait to look at it until J woke up at 6:30, but then I read, "Do not read after 10 minutes." UGH! So I watched it instantly turn to two lines and had to wait over an hour to tell the husband. He was so sleepy as I tried to show him a picture of the test on my phone. He was squinting and trying so hard to focus, but it took him a good minute to figure everything out.
2. We were both SO excited and decided to wait and tell his family the next Sunday (Father's Day) and tell my family when they would all be visiting in about two weeks. The above picture is me at 6 weeks. I told my sister, Kara, first because she is in Texas and wouldn't be there with everyone. It so fun to tell everyone! I love that everyone in my life is so supportive and giving. This will be the first grandchild on Jordan's side, and you can bet that my mother-in-law is beyond happy about it.
3. This is a picture of me yesterday, at 7 weeks. I don't feel as though I'm "showing" at all, but I do feel that I am thickening. This could be because I have to constantly eat or I get pretty nauseated. Being nauseated and tired are my two main symptoms. I also have had a headache for weeks now. I have found myself getting irritated pretty easily, but J just puts up with me. It's funny, at any moment if I don't feel sick, I worry that the baby is going to miscarry. It only takes a few minutes for the sick feelings to return, though. I guess that is a blessing in disguise.
4. Recently J and I were called to be teachers in the CTR 5 primary class. We have been loving it. They have been working on the song, "The Family is of God" for the few weeks we have been in. Can I just say how much I love that song? I find myself singing it in my dreams, as I fall asleep, in the shower, basically all day. You should hear the kids in my class scream the chorus. I did a lot of thinking about this song last night when I was too sick to sleep. I believe that families are central to God's plan. He has told us through prophets that "Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. " Could you imagine what our world would be like if that were to happen? The Proclamation to the World also talks about the need for loving and nurturing parents. I often feel inadequate when I consider becoming a mother. This simple song has helped me to realize that I am striving to follow God's plan of happiness. That is really all that I can do. I believe that I am doing what I can to give my children the things they deserve. Now, if only I could convince Jordan that Ragnar, Jordanson, Raphael, ect are not acceptable names, our unborn baby would have it good;)
Below are the words:
1. Our Father has a family. It’s me!
It’s you, all others too: we are His children.
He sent each one of us to earth, through birth,
To live and learn here in fam’lies.
2. A father’s place is to preside, provide,
To love and teach the gospel to his children.
A father leads in fam’ly prayer to share
Their love for Father in Heaven.
3. A mother’s purpose is to care, prepare,
To nurture and to strengthen all her children.
She teaches children to obey, to pray,
To love and serve in the fam’ly.
4. I’ll love and serve my family and be
A good example to each fam’ly member.
And when I am a mom or dad, so glad,
I’ll help my fam’ly remember:
God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be—
This is how He shares His love, for the fam’ly is of God.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Home Tour!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
I'm a BIG pretender
For the past few months I have had many roles including: Real-estate agent, as I created, edited, and submitted our contract to buy our home. Plumber, when our shower and toilets were acting funny. Landscaper, when our back yard needed some bark put down. Seamstress, making curtains and recovering chairs. Electrician, replacing a florescent light where I used a $5 track light I found at the DI which meant I had to make my own mounting bracket. Ect Ect. I had no idea how to do any of these things when I began the task.
This list is only the start, but you get the picture. It seems to be all about our new home right now, but I actually pretend to be a lot of things. I pretend to be a good wife, teacher, employee, friend ect. I feel like I never have all of the traits I need to accomplish something worth while. I do all that I can to reach my goals, and try to be persistent when things don't go my way or when I make a mistake. I have my days where I get too easily irritated at Jordan and am not a good wife, but the next day I start being a big pretender again. As I pretend, I learn and I stop having to pretend. I believe this is because Heavenly Father blesses us as we try. If we do all we can, and pretend as best we can to have good traits, we will eventually develop them.
Don't misunderstand, I know that my good traits don't even compare to those of others. Luckily, we are judged individually. Comparison steals our joy and I am trying to stop the thief.
Here is a picture of my recent project. I forgot to take a before picture, but it looked a lot like this florescent light, with a nice big crack on one side.
Friday, April 4, 2014
We're buying a house!
Pinterest home decor section is calling my name. I hope you are all having a perfect Friday!
End of a Journey
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Today I concluded that I am a brat
This morning the husband and I made our way to the gym, intending to max on a few lifts because our gym is closed for maintenance for the next two weeks. To our dismay, they had closed two days early without any warning. We decided to try the small UVU gym.
By this time, I was feeling pretty grouchy.
We jogged to UVU and I spotted Jord on bench press. He maxed at 285 I believe and was bummed it wasn't higher, my grouchy ness went up a notch. I don't like to see him unhappy. This is when a nice person realizes they need to filter their words.
I grabbed a bar and set up to do biceps. I started my first set and by the end realized I was not at all focused. I intended to do negatives but had done normal and sloppy curls. A well meaning, kind bystander/flirtatious guy came clear across the gym to tell me my form was going to hurt my back. Grouchy level 3 hit.
I proceeded to tell this nice man that I had a husband and a degree in health which provided me all the advice on form that I needed. The poor guy tried to explain, to which I continued being bratty. I guess I felt angry that some man felt the need to correct a "helpless" woman. He quickly left the gym, I'm sure he was embarrassed,
I am now in the bath tub with an aching back and a guilty conscience. I wish I could apologize, but I have no idea who he is or where to find him. I need to work on my bratty attitude when I get grumpy:(. I promise to do be better.
On a happy note, I got a new phone case and my husband loves me. Even when I'm a brat.
I also finished a jewelry case I have been working on.