Monday, June 3, 2013


It has been over a month since I have posted. That is because my summer has been so dang great. I never seem to take pictures when I'm doing the things I really enjoy, like going swimming or eating out:) I do promise that Jordan and I are happy and healthy.

Yesterday I had a pretty neat experience in church. Have you ever known someone who just seems so amazing that you almost want to not like them? They are good looking, funny and seem to have the most perfect life. It can almost be maddening. I happened to grow up with a sister, Kara, who was always like this for me. I think it helped to humble me enough to try to get to know people like this. I work with this woman in primary who could be Kara's dopple ganger (is that the right phrase?). I have always been secretly envious that even days after her beautiful baby boy was born she looked better than me. Primary is so much fun because of her, though, and I really have thought she was just amazing. Yesterday she bore her testimony and shared some experiences that made me realize that I wouldn't take her battles or trials for 1,000,000 rubies. It is easy to compare ourselves to others, but we never really know how they are struggling.

Today I am grateful that I am blessed beyond measure. I will probably have to be reminded again later, but today I will remember to love myself and not compare my uniqueness to anyone else.

Proof that I actually wear contacts once a year:) My BFF Tori had a beautiful wedding and this was the photo booth.

1 comment:

  1. this made me excited for my sister's wedding cause she'll have a photobooth!
    I'm glad you're alive and well!
    I know those people too....they're SO beautiful and kind and friendly and I just want to glare at them and tell them to give the rest of us a chance haha
