Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fly a kite!

For Christmas, my sister Jen and her family gave us a really cool kite. It is one that can do fun tricks, if you learn. We had tried once to fly it with friends, but the wind was not very cooperative. A few weekends ago I decided to ask Jordan on a date. The date began with flying our kite. It was a perfect windy day. We were able to fly it with no problems, well only a few problems. As soon as we got it out I grabbed the kite part and gave Jord the handles. The wind hit the kite in my hands and the kite hit my face then soared into the air. It really hurt! I had a fat lip for a day or two. The other problems included excess wind, kites hitting the ground going really fast, the string breaking and a hole in the kite. Luckily the kite company is awesome and will help it run as good as new. After our kite adventure we went window shopping and finished the date with a blindfolded drive to our favorite sushi place. It was a great date!

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