Friday, February 1, 2013

Running makes me a better person...

Running makes me a better person. Not a better person than you or any other person, just a better me. I have always gone running for exercise, but my recent schedule has made a really big difference. I don't run far, just 20 minuets to my 7 am class and 20 minuets back. I do this MWF and I have really noticed an improvement in my mood. I notice that I have more patience, more humor and am more kind. I'm not sure why this schedule has been so good for me. Maybe it is the time, or the regularity. I feel like I am more fun to be around on the days I run. I have been trying to follow this book that I read called Intuitive Eating. We learned about it in a class for my major. It talks about focusing on how exercising makes you feel instead of how exercise makes you look. Maybe this is why I notice the difference more. Whatever the reason, I am really grateful that I have been feeling so good! I hope all of you can feel the benefits of an active life, too:)


  1. I couldn't have said it better had I wrote it myself! I am interested in the book you are reading for class; is it a text book or a "reading" book? And thanks Jamie, I always love reading your posts!!

  2. hmmm maybe I should try that. I definitely exercise for the way I look (lets be honest, I haven't exercised in a long time). I need a schedule like you do.

  3. Thanks Katie! The book is called intuitive eating. It is a reading book and this is the amazon link.

    And Trina, are you even allowed to exercise yet? Your sweet little girl was just born.
